Wednesday, July 18, 2012


“Gotham is mine! I will cleanse her streets, plunder her resources, and ship her jobs overseas!”

“I am Gotham’s reckoning, come to lower her top income tax brackets and eradicate her social programs.”

“I will break you, Batman! Just as I have broken your city! I will snap your spine and use your spinal fluid to slick back my preternaturally coiffed hair!”

“I think there are very real questions about whether Batman was born in Gotham City.”

“Hear me Gotham! I am your new master. I will eradicate the scum from your streets and lower the tax rate on your job creators!”

“Underworld criminal organizations are people, my friend.”

“The Joker is a fine businessman. We don’t agree on every policy point, but I welcome his support.”

 “What we did with BaneCare is totally different than what we have now. Why should I pay for someone else’s Venom prescription?”

“Why should I release my tax returns? I’m trying to lay siege to a city, not run for president or anything.”

“Of course the media are going to be on Batman’s side. We realize that. But we’ve gotten some very good support from Fox News.”

“We’re accused of being the party of ruthless dictators, which is untrue. We’re the party of people who want to BE ruthless dictators”

“I wish Batman would learn to be an American.” - Bane surrogate Louie the Lilac to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer

“I like being able to kill henchmen who provide services to me.”

I believe in a Gotham where Gothamites believe in a Gotham that's the Gotham Gothamites believe in. That's the Gotham I love”

“Batman and I have very different philosophies. He believes in killing jobs. I prefer killing people. It’s that simple.” 


  1. **sigh** There is no escaping the freaking election is there? Haven't 99.9% of people alerady made up their minds? Can't we just vote today and dontate all that campaign money to education? Now I don't even want to go see it...and I've been looking forward to it for years. ***sigh***

  2. This is pretty hilarious though ;-)

  3. "They burned my friend." -- Herb Welch
